Sunday, November 30, 2008


There are some things I've just come to accept.  I will probably always be a few minutes late for work.  Laundry will always be my nemesis.  My current group of sixth-graders will talk to a wall if it gives them the chance to talk.  

There are some things, however, that I realized could change if I seek out some sort of help. One of those is finances.  After struggling with Toby to come up with a system that works for us, we resigned our stubbornness and compromised with a program through church.  So far, so good. We're certainly not in the clear, but at least we're on the same page and have a common language to use to get us to the place we need to be, eventually. 

The other is  weight.  So, once again, I'm joining the WW bandwagon.  The meetings start tomorrow.  I guess water consumption will be on the rise, and the remainder of the 11 dozen cookies will be walking out the door with Toby tomorrow.  

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