Tuesday, December 13, 2011


The indecision is at an all-time high. I'm so indecisive that I cannot even commit to a title for this post.

Blogging is really a challenge for me. I agonize over what the topic of the post should be. Start typing. Erase. Repeat. It isn't writer's block. I have plenty I want to say, and know just how to say it, but I question whether it is blog-worthy.

I'll get there. Or I won't.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Triple Threat: Indecision, Procrastination, and Attention Deficit

This pretty much sums up my current state. I'm exhausted, staring at a pile of work to grade, and because of the medium though which I have to record my students' grades, I find myself wandering through cyber-space and back to my old blog.

This is most definitely a recipe for disaster.